Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)

The History of the Bundeskriminalamt


Start of the research project MOTRA

The five-year project entitled “Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalization” (MOTRA) is a research consortium funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the context of civil security research. In addition to intensifying investigative activities within the BKA, research and prevention in the field of Islamist extremism and terrorism will now be further strengthened.

Further information about MOTRA (german version!)


Establishment of the new Cybercrime (CC) Division

On 01/04/2020, the BKA launched its Cybercrime (CC) Division. The new division serves to pool competences with regard to this field of crime, to further develop resources and capabilities and to advance innovations in the suppression of cybercrime. The focus lies on the suppression of cybercrime in the narrower sense, which comprises all offences that are targeted against the Internet, further data networks, IT systems, or their data.


Publication of the Handbook of Preventing Violent Extremism

The containment of violent extremism is not the responsibility of the security authorities alone; it is a task that can only be managed successfully by involving society as a whole. The "Handbook of Preventing Violent Extremism" published by the BKA for the first time presents an overview of the current knowledge in this area and is meant to provide orientation and guidance for all actors involved.


Launch of the information portal on extremism prevention

Apart from criminal prosecution, prevention is a key component when it comes to averting and countering extremism or assisting those who wish to leave their radicalised environment. The information portal on extremism prevention offers a pool of information to facilitate the prevention work of many different protagonists.


Start of research project on the subject of "values"  

The BKA and its staff advocate an open, free and democratic society. The research project entitled "Werte im BKA" ("Values at the BKA"), carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) and planned to run for several years, is aimed at shedding light on the understanding of values shared by the BKA staff and also dealing with the ideals held by junior employees. 


50th anniversary of the Crime Scene Unit and the Disaster Victim Identification Team (IDKO)

The BKA's Crime Scene Unit, established in 1972 in response to the attacks of the Baader Meinhof Group, which would later become the Red Army Faction (RAF), celebrates its 50th anniversary. The Disaster Victim Identification Team (IDKO), which was deployed for the first time in December 1972 to identify the victims of a plane crash on Tenerife, also marks 50 years of existence.


Presentation of the results of the largest study on unrecorded crime in Germany so far  

The study titled "Security and Crime in Germany" (SKiD) was carried out jointly by the BKA and the police forces of the German Länder. More than 46,000 persons participated in the survey. They disclosed how often they had been victims of criminal offences over the past twelve months and supplied information on their reporting behaviour and their sense of security. In addition, their opinion on the work done by the police was part of the survey. The findings shed light on trends in crime development and are an important addition to the Police Crime Statistics (PCS). The study is planned to be conducted together with the Länder on a regular basis.


Joint Declaration against Antigypsyism  

In Berlin BKA President Holger Münch and the Chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, signed the agreement entitled "Together against Antigypsyism – Declaration of the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma on future cooperation". This agreement is the manifestation of the Bundeskriminalamt's explicit aim to counteract any and all forms of racism and discrimination in police work and beyond. 


Launch of a new version of the Schengen Information System (SIS)

The "Schengen Information System" (SIS) is the joint European search database which allows more than 30 member states to access over 86 million search data (as of March 2023).The renewed SIS 3.0 introduces additional search capabilities and greatly improves the protection of persons at risk. For instance, new preventive searches are aimed at preventing children from being abducted and taken abroad unlawfully.  


40 years of German liaison officers

For 40 years, the BKA has been seconding liaison officers to all parts of the world. The first liaison officer was posted in Bangkok, Thailand in 1983. Today, there are 64 liaison officers in 50 states.  


Anniversary of the BKA security service

The security service celebrates its 50th anniversary. The BKA security service (BSD) is responsible for the security of all BKA premises and the staff working there as well as for events such as the Autumn Conference. Celebrations were held successively in Wiesbaden, Meckenheim and Berlin. 


10th nationwide action day to combat hate postings

The fight against hate and incitement to hatred on the Internet is one of the priorities of the work of the Bundeskriminalamt. The action day, held at regular intervals and carried out for the tenth time now, is an important instrument in this fight. In the course of the 10th nationwide action day to combat hate postings, a total of 130 police measures were executed in the 16 German Länder.   

Operational Case Analysis (OFA) celebrates its 25th anniversary

The Operational Case Analysis, or behavioural analysis, is a criminological tool to support police investigations. Case analyses can be carried out in those cases where behavioural traits of the offender can be assessed and conclusions be drawn from these characteristics. The OFA staff always work as a team and use objectifiable data and information about the offence and the victim to deepen the understanding of the case in question. Their aim is to develop leads which can help the investigating officers in their work.